
Tommorrow's Cities

As urban landscapes evolve and technology reshapes how we live, packetHACKS seeks innovative minds to address the complexities of modern living. We challenge teams to design IoT solutions that a Smart City could deploy to enhance the lives of communities, businesses, and individuals.

Choose only ONE (1) category to solve.

The objective is to design, deploy, and integrate
new physical sensors into facilities and infrastructure.



  • Smart Building
  • Power & Water
  • Electricity Monitoring and other Utilities



  • Security & Public Safety
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Future Payments



  • Smart Agriculture
  • Waste Management
  • Emergency Response and Disaster Management



  • Transportation
  • Public Transit
  • Fleet Management
  • Warehousing

Are you ready to take the challenge?


packetHACKS is open to students, young professionals, innovators, tech enthusiasts, startups, and freelancers.
 – A team member must possess a foundational understanding of electronics or Arduino.

Note: A complimentary boot camp will be available to equip the participants with packetARDUINO training.
– All participants must be at least 16 years old.

Team Composition
Teams must consist of three (3) to five (5) members, registering under a team name.
A team must have at least one member skilled in coding.
The team leader is tasked with maintaining proactive communication with the organizers both during and post-packetHACKS.

It is not required but highly recommended for teams to include members with skills in creating graphics/presentations and public speaking / delivering a sales pitch.

Terms & Conditions
Participants are required to submit a signed waiver of agreement to the terms and conditions, which will be provided via email upon their registration confirmation.

Project Output Guidelines
Teams should submit a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with enough features to interest early adopters and provide a proof of concept.
Existing thesis projects or projects under enhancement are eligible, provided they are the team’s original work with no proprietary or ownership conflicts.
A link to an online repository (GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.) is required for submission.

Documentation Requirements
Teams must disclose all used APIs, DLLs, and WEB SERVICES at the time of submission, along with the appropriate documentation.
Any costs associated with paid apps/licenses must be covered by the team.

Code Verification Protocol
Teams are required to create a public repository on a version control platform (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket).
Private repositories may only be used if access is granted to the technical team.
A missing repository link may result in penalties or disqualification.
After submission, technical review will focus on:
Code development
Code readability and quality
A search for similar apps will be performed. Copyright infringement will be considered grounds for disqualification.

Pitching Guidelines
Each team is given five (5) minutes for their presentation and project demo.
An additional five (5) minutes is allocated for Q&A with the judges.
The format is consistent for both Preliminary and Final Judging phases.

All intellectual property rights for the created build and code are retained exclusively by the team.


Preliminary Round


Theme Relevance and Problem-Solving Capability
Does the technology align with the theme and contribute to its objectives?
How well does the technology address and solve a relevant problem within the theme’s context?


Impact and Effectiveness
Does the technology offer practical benefits and a strong potential to enhance the lives of its target users?


Does the technology have the potential for future scalability or replication?


Is a functioning version of the project showcased?
Is there a verified working proof of concept?

Final Round


Does the project represent a groundbreaking shift in its field?


Business Impact
Does the project have the potential for successful commercialization?


Is there a viable plan for the project’s continued development?
Does the team exhibit a committed interest in advancing the project?


Over-all Quality
Is the project engaging and does it demonstrate significant potential?